Global E-BOM M-BOM Management
Emixa offers solutions for managing both Engineering Bill-of-Materials (E-BOM) and Manufacturing Bill-of-Materials (M-BOM), designed to streamline global production planning and material sourcing. Our strategies for both local and global M-BOM management are crucial for optimizing component manufacturing and assembly planning processes.

Understanding E-BOM and M-BOM: Key Tools for Production Planning and Material Sourcing
While the engineering bill-of-material (E-BOM) is the as-designed functional view of a product created during development, the manufacturing bill-of-material (M-BOM) as one of its derivatives shows a specific product view used for global production planning (as-planned) and material sourcing purposes representing aspects like:
- In-process-assemblies
- Make or buy sourcing decisions
- Multi-location support for manufacturing planning
- Product and process costing
Optimizing Manufacturing with Emixa’s Global and Local M-BOM Strategies.
Emixa enables customers to focus on component manufacturing and assembly planning processes by defining global and local M-BOM concepts. Our experts will guide customers through the process of setting up an M-BOM framework containing:
- Global M-BOM strategy
- M-BOM localization support production planning for multiple manufacturing facilities
- M-BOM change and release processes with hand-over to ERP for manufacturing execution

Discover how our E-BOM M-BOM Strategies could transform your Business
Talk to our experts and start your journey today.