A Fully Automated Exam Flow with EMO
Last edited on Jan, 08 2024 10:36:00 AM
Reading time: 6 minutes
Written by Minke van Dooremalen | Marketing Manager
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In collaboration with Emixa, Examenadviesburo developed the application EMO, a solution that streamlines the entire exam flow. We spoke with General Director Anne Prins-van den Bergh about the development process, the collaboration with Emixa, and the benefits of the new system.
Certification of Professionals
Examenadviesburo (EAB) is the specialist in test development, test administration, personal certification, and all other aspects related to the challenging field of examination. The organization's mission is to contribute to qualifying the best professionals for a diverse range of companies, sectors, and branches. Examenadviesburo delivers customized solutions tailored to the wishes and needs of clients.
Continuous focus on quality is essential for Examenadviesburo. The organization positions itself independently and sets high standards for the quality of exam content, exam supervision, administration, and final assessment. Examenadviesburo also believes in the power of collaboration, reflected in partnerships with various external entities such as subject matter experts and diverse clients. The complete process of Examenadviesburo is documented in the Quality Manual and certified under ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 standards.
Old System
The old Java-based system (ExamenManagementOmgeving - EMO) that Examenadviesburo used until recently no longer met the needs of modern times. Employees had to perform many administrative tasks manually, consuming significant time and effort. Candidates had to create an extensive account to schedule an exam, leading to a time-consuming process. Moreover, making quick changes to the system without affecting other functionalities and features was challenging since the system was built as a classic monolith.
The Solution: A New Version of ExamenManagementOmgeving (EMO)
There was a need for a system that could be further developed to bring improvements compared to the current system. There was also a need to make it easier for candidates to schedule exams. Now, candidates can choose an exam directly in the webshop without first creating an account.
The candidate also has various payment options: entering a coupon code, payment via iDEAL, or invoicing the employer. At the scheduled exam moment, the candidate's login details are available at the chosen test location. The candidate reports to the supervisor and can start the exam immediately. Through the personal account in EMO, the exam candidate can also view invoices, check test results, and manage personal data. EMO can be integrated into the website with a fully customized style, look, and feel.
A booking tool, integrated with the test administration system, ensures that a booked exam is immediately available in the test software, allowing a candidate to take the exam at one of the COEL test locations. "Internally, the new tool also provides more efficiency and overview. Administration and processing are automated, saving time and money. Moreover, we now have a separate profile for each of the individual labels and a connection with the website," says Anne.
Many familiar features from the old system have been incorporated into EMO in an innovative way. "EMO is also a collection of microservices instead of a monolith, making it easier to make quick changes and future-proof the system," adds Anne.
Emixa and Mendix
Why did the choice ultimately fall on Mendix and Emixa? "Through another entrepreneur who was already working with low-code, we discovered the benefits of this development method. You can put together an application much faster than with traditional coding. After that, we explored the possibilities of Mendix, Betty Blocks, and OutSystems, critically comparing these three platforms. What ultimately tipped the scales is that Mendix has the best and most complete package. They have a qualitative advantage over the competition. We need to convey reliability."
After choosing Mendix, Examenadviesburo looked for a recognized and reliable Mendix partner. "We had discussions with several parties, but Emixa ultimately gave us the best feeling. The collaboration is living up to expectations. We are particularly satisfied with the developer currently on the project. Emixa also demonstrates strong involvement in the development process and responds quickly when we need things. It's quite remarkable that a developer feels so connected to a project outside their own organization; it forms an excellent basis for a good collaboration," says Anne.
Challenging Endeavor
However, building EMO was no easy task in practice. "There were initially quite a few bugs in the system, resulting in a somewhat longer run-up, and the go-live took place later than we had initially hoped. Where we normally received 200 calls in a day, sometimes it was 1500."
Regarding working with the new system, Anne acknowledges there were some initial challenges. "Many employees were initially unfamiliar and skeptical. It's not entirely illogical, of course, when you say goodbye to a familiar system that you know inside out. But rebuilding is always a more significant and extensive task than you expect beforehand. Examenadviesburo is still working daily to resolve all bugs, and they expect that employees will increasingly see the positive aspects of the new system. You have to bite the bullet, but ultimately, it delivers something beautiful."
Not Finished Yet
According to Anne, what is now in place is the initial step toward further development and expansion of EMO. "We deliberately started small with the ambition to expand the system further at a later stage. There are still many features on the wishlist. We would like to create and roll out an employer portal, set up more workflows, and incorporate functionality to automate the creation of diplomas. In short, we are far from finished!"
Want to know more?
There are plenty of opportunities to drive forward digital transformation in the tech industry. Would you like to improve the digital state of your organisation? And are you looking for a partner who can help you achieve this goal? In that case, Emixa is the right fit for you. We translate complex issues into simple, user-friendly IT solutions that accelerate your digital transformation and take your business to a higher level. Don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to meet you!
Last edited on Jan, 08 2024 10:36:00 AM
Reading time: 6 minutes
Written by Minke van Dooremalen | Marketing Manager
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